Service and Repairs
Poolscape Pools employs a very professional and knowledgeable team to help you transform your dreams into a truly unique, detailed, and personalized vision. We understand the importance of keeping your swimming pool functioning at perfection through the year and will do our best to get you up and running in no time.
Installing/repairing inground liner pools
Installing/patching new liners or getting rid of stains
Installing/patching new pool covers
Installing/repairing pump, filter, heater (propane, natural gas or electric)
Installing/repairing waterfalls, fountains, bubblers
Installing/repairing pool lights
Opening and closing pools
Weekly cleaning service
Resolve chemical imbalances/algae build-up, discolored water
Technical Assistance
Pool Inspections

Mike from Guilford

Over the years our pool became an eye sore. We called PoolScape looking to remove and fill. Their talented team gave us an option we never dreamed of – bringing our old, outdated pool back to life.